
UNDP Green Growth and Jobs Accelerator (GGJA)
New Silk Roads is providing fundraising, leadership training, and support with monitoring, evaluation, and learning to Flat6Labs, one of the leading business accelerators in the MENA region. One of our success stories is securing a $3.5 million USD tender from UNDP for the "Green Growth and Jobs Accelerator Program", an entrepreneurship support programme implemented in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, and Algeria. New Silk Roads is developing an e-learning curriculum for green SMEs, including several digital courses on green business development, impact measurement, and access to finance for SMEs.

Philea Peer Learning Journey
The Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea) contracted New Silk Roads to facilitate a two-year peer-learning journey on international cooperation for the Funders International Network for Development (FIND) member community. This initiative includes a series of online deep dives and in-person meetings in Brussels and Lisbon, focusing on emerging trends and practices such as locally-led development, innovative funding instruments, and collaborations with African philanthropy. The New Silk Roads team has curated a lineup of dynamic speakers for these sessions and will also develop an interactive digital knowledge product. The FIND member community is co-chaired by “la Caixa” Foundation and Anglo American Foundation.

DOEN: Impact Investment in Arts and Culture
New Silk Roads conducted a feasibility study for DOEN Participates for a new Impact Investment Fund for the cultural and creative sector in Europe. Together with an investor, we interviewed over 40 impact investors, artists, and cultural entrepreneurs to discuss the opportunities and challenges for impact investment in arts and culture, specifically in the Netherlands. The research explored 6 thematic areas: New Materials and Crafts, Ethical Fashion, Social Design, Cultural Spaces, Cultural Productions and Urban Culture. Subsequently, New Silk Roads is advising DOEN to identify a suitable fund manager. The DOEN feasibility study will be published in early 2025.

Athar: scaling green startups in Upper Egypt
Through fundraising training and coaching, New Silk Roads has supported Athar, a startup accelerator in Upper Egypt, to establish a Green Acceleration Track, which has now become a core program alongside their Tech Acceleration Track. Our fundraising team subsequently helped Athar to secure additional rounds of funding from the Finnish Embassy in Egypt and USAID, solidifying the green acceleration track's sustainability. Additionally, we collaborated with Athar to design new programmes and played a pivotal role in launching Orange Corners' Innovation Fund in partnership with Falak Startups. Furthermore, we provided tailored training to the top management team on fundraising and proposal writing. With support from EBRD, New Silk Roads is now expanding its collaboration with Athar to engage its middle management and support the team as they navigate the organisation’s growth phase and further Athar’s mission in Upper Egypt.

Green Growth Summit
New Silk Roads offered project management, facilitation, and event management services for the 2024 Green Growth Summit in Tunis and Cairo, bringing together over 400 entrepreneurs, investors, business support organisations, donors, DFIs, and policymakers interested in the green transition. Key activities included organising donor roundtables with 27 funders, resulting in the creation of two donor task forces, and hosting investor engagement activities such as investment deal rooms. Additionally, our fundraising team secured additional event sponsorships from regional donors to expand the summits’ reach and impact.

CLUA Just and Sustainable Technologies
For the Climate and Land Use Alliance (CLUA), New Silk Roads developed a strategic foresight report, organised two mini think tanks, and wrote a strategic line of action for just and sustainable technology in tropical forest countries. The assignment included engaging consultants in Indonesia and Costa Rica, conducting interviews with a wide range of climate organisations, environment defenders and digital rights specialists, analysing CLUA's grant portfolio, and involving experts in digital rights and climate justice. The outcomes were presented at CLUA's strategic retreat with representatives from member foundations, including Climate Works, Porticus, the Packard Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Moore Foundation, and Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies.

CFYE Digital Jobs Study
Commissioned by the Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE), New Silk Roads conducted an in-depth research project, “Digital Jobs and Women in the MENA Region.” The study explored how digitally-enabled jobs can create sustainable employment opportunities for women across Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, and Morocco. Leveraging its expertise in qualitative research and regional insights, New Silk Roads worked closely with CFYE’s portfolio of impact-driven organisations to examine barriers to workforce participation, gender dynamics, and the role of ecosystem actors. By engaging with diverse stakeholders, including NGOs, governments, and private sector entities, the project delivered actionable insights and recommendations to foster inclusive economic growth and empower women in the digital economy across the MENA region.

Collaborate for Impact Conference
New Silk Roads offered project management, facilitation, and learning documentation of the "Collaborate for Impact" Conference for Impact Europe in Tbilisi, Georgia. Impact Europe is a network organisation of impact investors, impact funders and financial institutions based in Brussels. The event brought together business support organizations from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, the Middle East, and North Africa and representatives from various EU countries. The conference demonstrated the effectiveness of Impact Europe programmes to current and future donors, partners, investors, and other stakeholders, while facilitating knowledge sharing and meaningful connections within the diverse impact ecosystem.

Hivos Learning Events
Since 2013, we have organised a range of learning events for Hivos program teams and their partners. This included gatherings for partners in Tunis and Djerba, a post-COP27 event in Sinai, Egypt, and a learning event in the Hague in collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These events brought together a variety of Hivos partners, including climate justice organisations, business support organisations, investors, creative hubs, and universities across Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. Our role encompassed event management and logistics, curation of speakers, facilitation and moderations of panels, and documenting key learning outcomes.

Endev Innovative Finance for Energy Study
How can we utilise innovative finance to increase sustainable energy access around the world? New Silk Roads tackled this question through researching and producing a publication which provides critical insights and practical recommendations for practitioners, donors, and investors to unlock the capital needed to fuel sustainable energy access and empower vulnerable communities. The report, commissioned by EnDev on behalf of RVO and GIZ, includes a deep dive into traditional tools like grants, debt, equity, and risk-sharing instruments, alongside emerging tools such as carbon finance, aggregation, and anchor-based financing.

ReBootKamp (RBK): Training youth to work in the Tunisian ICT sector
New Silk Roads supported ReBootKamp (RBK), the first immersive coding bootcamp in Tunisia, to scale up across the country and internationally, aiming to train young people to become employment-ready software engineers. Over three years, our services have enabled RBK to increase the competitiveness of its curriculum and develop comprehensive policies and procedures. We provided support on gender inclusion, conducting a gender baseline study and advising on gender-based strategies, resulting in more women graduating from the bootcamps. Additionally, we implemented a robust monitoring, evaluation, and learning framework to track training effectiveness and job placements, enhancing RBK's strategic positioning and competitiveness.
Fundraising Courses & Coaching
New Silk Roads provides online and offline fundraising courses and coaching to business support organisations, SMEs, and cultural organizations. Initially contracted by Hivos, we provided training to over 35+ organisations in fundraising, theory of change, monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) and donor communications. Under our guidance, 8 organisations successfully raised EUR 8 million in funding. Later, we also provided fundraising training for organizations such as INCO, The Finish Embassy in Cairo, Movies That Matter/ Cinema without Borders and Creatives for Climate.

Impact Assessment for Hivos Job Creation Programs
The New Silk Roads M&E team has provided Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) support to several Hivos programmes focused on youth employment, entrepreneurship development, and the green transition in the MENA region. For example, our team led the evaluation of the GreenWorks program, including a through desk review, key informant interviews, and over 400 online and CATI surveys. We also measured the number of direct jobs created and supported by the Hivos GreenWorks project in Algeria, Egypt, and Tunisia. Furthermore, we conducted an internal md-term evaluation of the LEAD Coworking for Sustainable Employment Programme following the OECD-DAC criteria. Finally, we provided training to various organisations in MENA to set up their own MEL frameworks and support with data collection.

Hivos Business Development
Since 2013, the New Silk Roads fundraising team has supported Hivos with tailored business development services for its programmes on private sector development, job creation, climate justice, freedom of expression and arts and culture in the Middle East and North Africa. Our support included proposal writing, theory of change development, and strategic fundraising advice to Hivos senior programme management. Some of our success stories include securing EUR 8.1 million from Palladium, EUR 9.5 million and EUR 5.5 million and EUR 2.2. million from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (LEAD I, II and BOOST Programs), EUR 5.5 million and EUR 2 million at Sida and 550K from the U.S. State Department.

Madar Innovation
We supported Impact Partner to raise EUR 530,000 at Expertise France. As part of this program, New Silk Roads provided tailored fundraising training for 10 business support organizations and personalized one-on-one coaching for Tunisian startups on business models, fundraising, and partnerships. Additionally, we facilitated matchmaking activities that connected six Tunisian BSOs with European partners, international investors, and experts from the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, and France.

Afkar Fellowship
New Silk Roads initiated the Afkar Fellowship for changemakers in North Africa, through which we coached fourteen fellows over a period of one and a half year in leadership, fundraising, communication, filmmaking to increase their impact. The Afkar Fellows encompassed an eclectic cohort, including a visual artist and gallerist from Libya, a media entrepreneur from Egypt, a calligrapher from the Western Sahara, a technologist from Tunisia and an activist for LGBTQI+ rights. This unique project was implemented together with What Took You So Long in Sweden and Wasabi in Tunisia with the financial support of the Swedish Institute.

Investor Matchmaking Sessions
New Silk Roads implemented investor matchmaking sessions which paired promising young entrepreneurs from Egypt and Tunisia to regional and international informal investors and funds. Through connecting entrepreneurs with access to capital, they were better positioned to grow their business and create jobs in their cities and communities. This project was implemented on behalf of Hivos Impact Investments.

Prince Claus Fund fundraising support
For the Prince Claus Fund, New Silk Roads conducted a comprehensive donor mapping, established a fundraising strategy with a focus on high-potential donors, and organised fundraising missions across EU countries and the United States. We also fundraised directly for the Fund’s core activities, helping to secure EUR 1.2 million from the Dutch Postcode Lottery for an arts and culture program in Russia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. We also led the fundraising efforts for a worldwide heritage preservation program at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation

Futures Labs & Talk Series
Project Management and facilitation of several multi-day “Futures Labs” in Egypt and Tunisia to imagine the future of localized climate adaptation in the MENA region. The themes of the labs were "Imagining Just Food Systems in Tunisia" and "Exploring Avenues for a Regenerative Built Environment in Egypt". Alongside these Labs, we hosted an online 'Futures Talks' lecture series, which featured insightful discussions on future design, sustainable cities, and energy scenarios.

Vertical Atlas
We provided project management support for the production of Vertical Atlas, a book exploring the geopolitics of digital technology. From an investigation into the lithium mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo to maps of the fiber-optic submarine cables, Vertical Atlas contains artworks and essays by over 50 leading international designers, artists, and thinkers. The book launch and exhibition opening took place at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam with lectures by Nanjala Nyabola and Benjamin H. Bratton and a performance by artist Francois Knoetze. You can download the high-resolution version here.